Posted by Lori Brockett on Aug 23, 2017
Rotarians Helping the Homeless
Sat. Sept. 2, 12- 3pm
We will be organizing at 12:00pm in the small parking lot on the northeast corner of State St. and A St. (across from 339 W. A St.)  Please park on the street because we will need all the space in the lot. (Carpooling is a great idea!)
We will sort clothes and build care packs in the parking lot. Once completed, we we’ll circle up for a quick meeting, then move to the Children’s Park (on Island St. between 1st & Front St.) and distribute all our goodies at about 1pm.
Please collect and bring donations of clothes and hygiene items
Coats, gloves, hats, sweaters, jackets, scarfs, pants, shirts, back-packs, blankets, sleeping bags, tarps, and reusable water bottles.
Tooth paste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, conditioner, brushes, combs, razors, shaving cream, lotion, etc.
The women love purses and filling them with make up, bras, and anything else females need is greatly appreciated.
Water bottles, granola bars, protein snacks and sandwiches would be great too.
Thank you for all your generous donations.  We look forward to seeing you on Sat. Sept. 2
Please contact Robin Chappelow for more information
858-449-5798 or